Earth Day 2016

21st April 2016

Earth Day is celebrated on 22nd April each year. It is a day to think about our planet and what we can do to keep it special. It is a time to consider reducing pollution, saving energy, conserving water, recycling and protecting the environment.

Earth Day was thought up by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970. In 2009, the United Nations adopted a consensus resolution designating April 22nd as Mother Earth Day, recognising the Earth and its ecosystems. The day is celebrated by over one billion people in nearly 200 countries around the globe, including England.

“Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children.”

Kenyan proverb

Ways to celebrate Earth Day

If you would like to take part in Earth Day, there are several things you can do. These include:

  • Plant a tree
  • Walk or use a bike instead of driving
  • Put some notes or posters in strategic positions around your home encouraging the whole family to save water when brushing teeth and turning off lights when leaving a room
  • Unite with family and friends and arrange a litter clean-up in your local area
  • Plan an Earth themed event to generate awareness
  • Donate unwanted clothes, books and furniture to your local charity shop – such as the YMCA charity shop at Garden Square

World Earth Day Donate

Fashion that doesn’t cost the Earth

Immense amounts of resources are used in textile manufacturing and ‘fast fashion’ is everywhere. However, charity shops provide a second life for an increasing range of items from clothing to furniture. Approximately 96% of materials donated to charity shops are recycled or sold on for reuse. Only 4% of materials donated to charity shops end up in landfill.

Each charity shop diverts an average of 34 tonnes per annum of textiles from landfill by selling them or passing them onto textile merchants. The value of textiles reused or passed for recycling by charity shops in terms of savings in landfill tax is £25,053,000 per annum.

So, this Earth Day, why not take a trip to the YMCA charity shop in Garden Square? Donate any unwanted clothing – or other items such as furniture, books and CDs – or browse the store for items you could rehome. It’s a great way to do your bit for the environment!

Find out more about the YMCA charity shop.