Boots Winter Flu Vaccination Service

19th October 2015

Did you know that seasonal flu is one of the biggest causes of short-term illness in the UK? 15-20% of the population contract it each year. It is highly contagious and affects people of all ages, with even healthy people suffering symptoms. But, fear not, the Boots Winter Flu Vaccination Service at Garden Square can help!

Why Have a Flu Vaccination?

As well as being contagious, flu can be very unpleasant. It is caused by different strains of influenza viruses, which can be passed through coughing, sneezing or by touching infected surfaces or people. It can be serious for those more at risk of developing complications and these people are entitled to a FREE NHS jab.

If you want help to stay healthy and prevent the spread of infection among family, friends and work colleagues, taking advantage of the Boots Winter Flu Vaccination Service is a good first step.

The Winter Flu Vaccination helps to protect you against the three strains of the flu virus, including the H1N1 virus (swine flu). The optimum time to be vaccinated against seasonal flu is in the autumn, providing maximum protection before the start of flu season.

Why Choose Boots?

Boots-Winter-Flu-Vaccination-Service-Garden-Square-LogoChoosing Boots gives you peace of mind that your flu vaccination is provided by a healthcare provider that you know and trust. There is consistency of expert care and Boots offers a comprehensive service that is delivered by a pharmacist who is clinically trained in administering vaccinations. Open six days a week, Boots in Garden Square offers great convenience and flexibility.

If you fall into one of the below clinical risk groups, you are advised to have a flu vaccination. Boots may be able to provide a free NHS jab (without referral from your GP) if you are 18 years or over at the time of vaccination, registered with a GP in England or Wales and you:

  • Are aged 65 and over (or will turn 65 by 31st March 2016)
  • Are pregnant
  • Have a certain medical condition such as diabetes or heart disease
  • Care for someone whose welfare may be at risk if you fall ill

But if the above do not apply to you, don’t worry, you may still be eligible for a private jab at Boots at a cost of £12.99. (This is subject to specially trained pharmacist availability and stock availability).

However, you may not be able to have a flu jab at Boots if:

  • You feel unwell, have a high temperature or an infection
  • You have had an allergic reaction to a previous injection
  • You have certain other allergies

Please note that you must be 16 years or older to get the private winter flu vaccination at Boots and 18 or over to get your free NHS flu vaccination at Boots.

Be sure to call into Boots in Garden Square next time you’re at the centre to ask about the flu vaccination service or to book an appointment.